Finding the ABILITY
How this helps peoples
First off, meaningful work is worthwhile in and of itself. Scholars in positive psychology consider meaning to be a fundamental component of human well-being, and meaningful work correlates with a host of well-being variables. For example, people who say their work is meaningful report greater mental health, meaning in life, life satisfaction, and positive affect. At work, they also report higher job satisfaction and are more likely to report feeling and living a calling. Meaningful work may also buffer the negative impacts of stress on meaning in life, depression, and health risk behaviors. In short, having meaningful work is an intrinsic good that is part of a flourishing life and may even protect against the negative impacts of stress.
Why Employers are practicing
diverse hiring:
Enhanced performance. Diversity and inclusion have been linked to better team performance, and businesses with greater gender and racial diversity often financially outperform their peers. 5 The concept of building teams comprising individuals with different lived experiences falls into a new frontier focused on adding diversity of thought to the traditional demographic lens. 6
Attracting and retaining top talent. Creating sustainable job opportunities for marginalized populations may result in higher retention rates for employers—from these hires as well as current staff.7 Additionally, a recent survey found that “millennials and Generation Zs show deeper loyalty to employers who boldly tackle the issues that resonate with them most.” 8
Strengthened social license to operate. Studies show that steady, gainful employment contributes to lowering vulnerability and increasing stability. This can, in turn, create greater economic outcomes for traditionally marginalized individuals and their families, and contribute in small ways toward broader economic equality goals.9
Access to federal tax credits. Employers who hire marginalized populations may benefit from federal tax credits.